June 7, 2021

Andrew H. Knoll

Harvard Book Store's virtual event series, the Harvard University Division of Science, and the Harvard Library welcome ANDREW H. KNOLL—the Fisher Professor of Natural History at Harvard University and author of the award-winning Life on a Young Planet—for a discussion of his latest book, A Brief History of Earth: Four Billion Years in Eight Chapters. He will be joined in conversation by PETER GIRGUIS, professor of organismic and evolutionary biology at Harvard University.


Odds are, where you’re standing was once cooking under a roiling sea of lava, crushed by a towering sheet of ice, rocked by a nearby meteor strike, or perhaps choked by poison gases, drowned beneath ocean, perched atop a mountain range, or roamed by fearsome monsters. Probably most or even all of the above.

The story of our home planet and the organisms spread across its surface is far more spectacular than any Hollywood blockbuster, filled with enough plot twists to rival a bestselling thriller. But only recently have we begun to piece together the whole mystery into a coherent narrative. Drawing on his decades of field research and up-to-the-minute understanding of the latest science, renowned geologist Andrew H. Knoll delivers a rigorous yet accessible biography of Earth, charting our home planet's epic 4.6 billion-year story. Placing twenty first-century climate change in deep context, A Brief History of Earth is an indispensable look at where we’ve been and where we’re going.

About Author(s)

Andrew H. Knoll is the Fisher Professor of Natural History at Harvard University. His honors include the International Prize for Biology, the Charles Doolittle Walcott and the Mary Clark Thompson Medals of the National Academy of Sciences, the Paleontological Society Medal, and the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society of London. For nearly two decades he served on the science team for NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover mission. Knoll is also the author of Life on a Young Planet, for which he received the Phi Beta Kappa Book Award in Science.

Peter Girguis is a Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. His research resides at the crossroads of microbial ecology, physiology, and biogeochemistry, and as such is highly interdisciplinary. He received his B.Sc. from UCLA, where he also worked with Drs. David Chapman and William Hamner. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California Santa Barbara, where he worked with Dr. James Childress.