September 16, 2021

Maria Tatar

Harvard Book Store's virtual event series welcomes renowned folklorist MARIA TATAR—the John L. Loeb Research Professor of Folklore and Mythology and Germanic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University—for a discussion of her latest book, The Heroine With 1001 Faces. She will be joined in conversation by MOIRA WEIGEL, scholar and founding editor of Logic magazine.


How do we explain our newfound cultural investment in empathy and social justice? For decades, Joseph Campbell had defined our cultural aspirations in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, emphasizing the value of seeking glory and earning immortality. His work became the playbook for Hollywood, with its many male-centric quest narratives.

Challenging the models in Campbell’s canonical work, Maria Tatar explores how heroines, rarely wielding a sword and deprived of a pen, have flown beneath the radar even as they have been bent on social missions. Using the domestic arts and storytelling skills, they have displayed audacity, curiosity, and care as they struggled to survive and change the reigning culture. Animating figures from Ovid’s Philomela, her tongue severed yet still weaving a tale about sexual assault, to Stieg Larsson’s Lisbeth Salander, a high-tech wizard seeking justice for victims of a serial killer, The Heroine with 1001 Faces creates a luminous arc that takes us from ancient times to the present.

About Author(s)

Maria Tatar is the author of Enchanted Hunters, the editor and translator of annotated editions of works by Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm, and the editor of an annotated edition of J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan. She is the John L. Loeb Research Professor of Folklore and Mythology and Germanic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University, as well as a Senior Fellow of the Harvard Society of Fellows.

Moira Weigel is the author of Labor of Love: The Invention of Dating. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times,The AtlanticThe New YorkerThe GuardianThe NationThe New Republic, and n+1, among other publications, and she is a cofounder of Logic magazine. She received a fellowship to the Harvard Society of Fellows in 2016 and lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.