September 5, 2014

Marc Abrahams

Harvard Book Store welcomes MARC ABRAHAMS, writer of the "Improbable Research" column for the Guardian and founder of the Ig Nobel Prizes, for a presentation of This is Improbable Too: Synchronized Cows, Speedy Brain Extractors and More WTF Research. Marc was joined by several special guests, reading from research referenced in his book.


Marc Abrahams collects the odd, the imaginative, and the brilliantly improbable from around the world. Here he investigates research on the ins and outs of the very improbable evolutionary innovation that is the human body (brain included). This Is Improbable Too explores the odd questions that researchers are asking, such as: What's the best way to get a monkey to floss regularly? How much dandruff do soldiers in Pakistan's army have? If you add an extra henchman to your bank-robbing gang, how much more money will you earn? Why is it so impossible to estimate the number of stupid people in circulation? How many dimples will be found on the cheeks of 28,282 Greek children? Who is the Einstein of pork carcasses? This Is Improbable Too also investigates unlikely medical cases, including a boy with an "Eiffel head injury" (involving a toy tower), and even more unlikely inventions, such as a patented system for attacking your enemy with a bio-waste bomb.

"Marc Abrahams is a perfectly calibrated filtration system into which all of science is poured and out of which comes pure, giddy goofball delight. . . A delicious, addictive treat." —Mary Roach, author of Gulp and Stiff

About Author(s)

Marc Abrahams writes the “Improbable Research” column for the Guardian and is the author of This Is Improbable. He is an editor of the science humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research and a founder of the Ig Nobel Prizes, which are presented annually at Harvard. A monthly guest on NPR’s nationally syndicated Science Friday, Abrahams and the Igs have been covered by The New York Times,The Washington PostUSA TodayScientific American, and numerous other outlets. He and his wife, Robin, a columnist for The Boston Globe, live in Cambridge, MA. Follow him on Twitter @MarcAbrahams.