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May 27, 2020

Heather Cox Richardson

Harvard Book Store's virtual event series welcomes Boston College professor HEATHER COX RICHARDSON—author of To Make Men Free: A History of the Republican Party—for a discussion of her latest book, How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy, and the Continued Fight for the Soul of America. She will be joined in conversation by historian LINDSAY M. CHERVINSKY, author of The Cabinet.


While the North prevailed in the Civil War, ending slavery and giving the country a "new birth of freedom," Heather Cox Richardson argues in this provocative work that democracy's blood-soaked victory was ephemeral. The system that had sustained the defeated South moved westward and there established a foothold. It was a natural fit. Settlers from the East had for decades been pushing into the West, where the seizure of Mexican lands at the end of the Mexican-American War and treatment of Native Americans cemented racial hierarchies. The South and West equally depended on extractive industries-cotton in the former and mining, cattle, and oil in the latter-giving rise a new birth of white male oligarchy, despite the guarantees provided by the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, and the economic opportunities afforded by expansion.

To reveal why this happened, How the South Won the Civil War traces the story of the American paradox, the competing claims of equality and subordination woven into the nation's fabric and identity. At the nation's founding, it was the Eastern "yeoman farmer" who galvanized and symbolized the American Revolution. After the Civil War, that mantle was assumed by the Western cowboy, singlehandedly defending his land against barbarians and savages as well as from a rapacious government. New states entered the Union in the late nineteenth century and western and southern leaders found yet more common ground. As resources and people streamed into the West during the New Deal and World War II, the region's influence grew. "Movement Conservatives," led by westerners Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan, claimed to embody cowboy individualism and worked with Dixiecrats to embrace the ideology of the Confederacy.

Richardson's searing book seizes upon the soul of the country and its ongoing struggle to provide equal opportunity to all. Debunking the myth that the Civil War released the nation from the grip of oligarchy, expunging the sins of the Founding, it reveals how and why the Old South not only survived in the West, but thrived.

About Author(s)

Heather Cox Richardson is Professor of History at Boston College and the author of five books about American politics, including her latest How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy, and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America. Her other books include West from Appomattox: The Reconstruction of America After the Civil War, and To Make Men Free: A History of the Republican Party. Both were Editor’s Choice selections of the New York Times Book Review.

Lindsay M. Chervinsky, Ph.D. is a historian at the White House Historical Association. She received her B.A. in history and political science from the George Washington University, completed her masters and Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis, and was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University. Her book, The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of an American Institution, was published by Harvard University Press on April 7, 2020.